
  • Peach Texture Hack Mkwii Custom
    카테고리 없음 2021. 1. 11. 09:20

    1. Peach Texture Hack
    2. Peach Texture Hack Mkwii Custom Minecraft
    3. Mario Kart Wii Peach Texture Hack
    4. Texture Hack Brawl


    Smash Master
    Feb 6, 2005
    Twitter @xD1x
    With the evergrowing amount of posts flooding the Melee, Hacks, and you thread its about time we made a new one.
    I'll compile everything I have so far into one neat .rar all compressed nicely for everyone to download later this month.
    In the meantime here are some links for threads.
    Btw by now everyone should know how to use GC-Tool to add textures to their Melee ISOs.
    If not please refer to this thread and hit ctrl-f for 'texture hacks'..you'll find the information you need for creating and adding textures to your ISOs.
    Now for the part everyone was waiting for..
    The Links!
    First and foremost if you want the original textures to get you started Steelia graciously put 'em out there for the public Click Here!
    If you check this LINK (as in click me), its from IL aka IllusoryLabyrinth where Steelia showcases most of his work.
    -There are plenty of stage and character hacks on there. Also a few miscellaneous hacks under the 'misc' section if you're interested.
    CHARACTER Texture Hacks
    WarriorKnight's Contributions
    Green Ranger Falcon!! To replace PlCaGr.dat in Iso (Green costume).

    Steelia's Contributions
    Brawl Peach (Click the image)

    Brawl Falco - Default
    Brawl Fox - Default
    Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga Bowser - Default
    Toon Ganondorf - Green
    White Yoshi - Yellow
    'DNS' textures
    Dark Marth - MsBk - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=91AVS9HK

    GodFed's textures

    Pinstripe Falcon - CaBu - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PTJ8TXMM
    Ronald McFalcon - CaNr - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Y0I2C8VY
    Gold/Black Roy - FeBu - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=M8R6DAWY
    Gold/Black Roy - FeGr - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2U2XHTR7
    Gold/Black Roy - FeNr -http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WSGUIXE7
    Gold/Black Roy - FeRe - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DL7KABE3
    Gold/Black Roy - FeYe - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7BM55TVX
    Black/Red Mewtwo - MtNr - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DMPZZHTJ
    Black Pikachu - PkNr - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NV64SEP9
    (I thought I had more, but I guess I never made download links for them)
    Rice's textures
    Purple Falco - FcRe - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CS3YDPFT
    Lime Green Falco - FcGr - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NXICG37F
    M&SG's Textures!
    http://www.mediafire.com/MnSG <-They're all in here, pics are displayed below so you know what you're DLing before you DL it.
    Note: Kirby textures come included with ability caps relating to Donkey Kong, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, and Falco.
    Plusle Pichu - Download

    Minun Pichu - Download

    Shadow Bowser (or Dark Bowser)

    Blazing Falco

    Blazing Fox

    Plusle Nana & Minun Popo

    Plusle Kirby

    Minun Kirby

    Purple Kirby

    Ice Luigi

    Flying Luigi

    Ice Mario

    Flying Mario

    Red Mewtwo

    Blue Mewtwo

    Green Mewtwo


    Gardevoir Peach

    Gold Suit Samus

    Blue Yoshi

    Orange Yoshi

    Purple Yoshi

    Youtube.com Mario Kart Wii] Retro Peach & Daisy Texture Hack - YouTube 1280 × 720 - 91k - jpg youtube.com Mario Kart Wii - Texture Hack - Storm Falls [HD] - YouTube 1280 × 720 - 88k - jpg deviantart.com mkwii| Explore mkwii on DeviantArt 900 × 492 - 369k - png youtube.com My Peach Texture Hack For Mario Kart Wii Yellow/Grey Shorts -All. Free download mp3.

    Can you solve this long-standing mystery? Many theories exist of what may have happened to her. Amelia earhart biography. Find out what may have happened to the legendary aviator in Unsolved Mystery Club - Amelia Earhart Deluxe, a seek-and-find search for answers. In 1937, Amelia Earhart famously disappeared never to be seen again.

    https://perqueaguelo.tistory.com/3. CReader_W7.zip 3231 2009/11/4 OTHERS Hotkey driver for Windows 7 32/64. Chipset_W7.zip 2247 2009/11/4 OTHERS Card reader driver for Windows 7 32/64.

    Silent Wolf's Textures

    Peach Texture Hack

    He also made a view displaying the textures in action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXt88-HgXEM
    Rykard's Contributions:
    chaddd edition GanondorfTexture to replace Red Ganon (PlGnRe) - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9N25S8O2

    Pichu Recolor Pack - http://libertyernie.heliohost.org/KirbyTool/Examples/Pichu Recolor Pack.zip

    Pink Jacket Falco

    Peach Texture Hack Mkwii Custom Minecraft

    to replace red costume (PlFcRe) - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=POGTRP1D

    Mario Kart Wii Peach Texture Hack

    Texture Hack Brawl

    Evil Sandbag to replace Sandbag (PlSbNr) - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9JE1UBXWPeach

    Phazon Suit Samus to replace black costume (PlSsBk) - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=24O4RK0C

    Blue Hair and Sunglasses Dr. Mario to replace black costume (PlDrBk) - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4NIIXQ05

    Princess Marth to replace default (blue) costume (PlMsNr) - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GEI2W8U6
    Princess Marth to replace white costume (PlMsWh) - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JVXW6I6F

    Black and Green Yoshi to replace default (green) costume (PlYsNr) - http://www.mediafire.com/?mjhqt3zzdcz

    Emo Peach to replace blue costume (PlPeBu) - http://www.zshare.net/download/724493091c55380c/

    Sasuke Fox to replace lavender (blue) costume (PlFxLa) - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1ZNA3GE5

    White Falco with Red JacketClick Here To Download

    Libertyernie Kirby Recolor Pack
    Click Here To Download
    Ghetto's Contributions
    Bloodstained Zombie Doc Click Here To Download

    Red Ranger Falcon: Download link:

    Zer0's Contributions
    Zer0 Marth RedImage
    Kira Marth Black
    Dark Link X's Contributions
    Green Falco

    Here's the download link to the .DAT file. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UJSCI2ZG
    Falco w/ Red Scars

    Rog's Contributions:
    http://cid-1b437dde9a0bb453.photos.live.com/browse.aspx/Smash Pics
    Roy - Kisame - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L9HSKKD0
    Ganondorf - Tobi - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7G1V4TE0
    Ness - Sasori - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=G3V9XEGX
    Giga Bowser - C.Giga ( Cyber Giga) - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FATUDJVN
    Ruken's Contributions
    Hylian Soldier

    Download:http://stacksmash.kontek.net/STUFFZ/SSBM/Characters/Marth/Hylian Soldier.rar
    Marth Pein


    Sephiroth Marth Black
    Devil Superman
    Is a bird?

    Is a plane?

    NO.. Is Devil Superman!

    C. Falco helmetless

    C.Falco 2.0

    Shadow Mario
    Shadow Mario joins in Melee!

    Die Mario!

    Shadow Punch!

    Dark Shadow Mario

    Mario, will catch you!


    Assault Falco


    Post: http://illusorylabyrinth.wordpress.com/2010/10/20/pixel-icons/
    Download: http://stacksmash.kontek.net/STUFFZ/SSBM/Misc./Pixel Character Icons.rar

    Pkmn Trainer Ness
    Post and More Information: http://illusorylabyrinth.wordpress.com/2010/10/21/this-a-week-of-pokemon/
    It's over 9000!!!! Fox

    Download Link:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VFN4M0HD
    Hatacatan's Contributions
    'ground mission Fox':

    Green Fox
    Neutal Fox
    STAGE Texture Hacks
    White Red FD by Zyx

    Paper Mario Dreamland
    (It says it's the streets of rage one but it isn't)
    [B]Smash Ville[/B] By Milun and RuKeN

    Post: http://illusorylabyrinth.wordpress.com/2010/11/21/project-smash-ville/
    Download:http://stacksmash.kontek.net/STUFFZ/SSBM/Stages/Smash Ville.rar
    Rainbow FD (created by nube):

    Blue Stadium (created by Qual) Click Here To Download

    Monster Island (DK64 hack by Steelia) Click Here To Download

    Neon Nighttime Yoshi's Story (created by Steelia) Click Here To Download

    Ancient Battlefield (created by Steelia) Click Here To Download

    Streets of Rage Dreamland: Click Here To Download
    Blue FDClick Here To Download
    (I know there are way more stage textures I will posts images and links later)
    I'll try to make it look cleaner, and so on.
    If you guys have any more contributions as far as texture hacks go it would be nice if they all got sent here that way I can add it to the first post for everyone to see.
    Soon I will try to add images of all the links textures so ppl know what they're downloading before they download it.
    I hope this will help make melee texture hacking more widespread and mainstream!
    Thanks for any assistance you guys can give in making this thread even better.
    Don't forget to check out http://illusorylabyrinth.wordpress.com/ for all the latest in Melee texture hacks!

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